Sunday, June 08, 2008

These hols... Recently, I've watched many movies at home. Well, we're not going out so we'd spend ourselves wif the bunch of movies. Mom bought the movies from Dad's old fren. He's nice though. Beside buying from him, Mom would buy them from the store. Any would do. Hehehe... Well, my sis planned tat she wanted to take me to Downtown East to eat sushi! But according to Mom's plan, she wanted us to accompany her to buy the tickets for the bus. Oh yes! We're going to KL on 18. No actually I'm the one who want to accompany her.

List of the movies I've watched:

1. The Chronicle of Narnia: Prince Caspian
2. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of crystal Skull
3. Ironman
4. The Forbidden Kingdom
5. Speed Racer
6. SuperHero Movie
7. Teeth
8. The Tatooist
9. B13: 13 District (French Movie)
10. 27 Dresses

Synopses for these movies...

Well, I started Indiana Jones first....

First scene, Indy was in some kind of quest. He was cheated by George "Mac" McHale, the useless archeologist. Seems he worked and cooperated with the woman named Colonel Irina Spalko was an agent of KGB, working for the Soviet Union. She was well known for her cruel nature, only caring for her own desires (Yes, that's really really true!!). She urged Indy to help them find some magnetic. Yet Indy escaped. There this young fellow called himself Mutt Williams looking for Indy some help after receiving his mom's letter to find Indy. After caught up Indy, they went to the restaurant, But then two KGB agents who were watching tried to capture the both. Oly then Mutt punched one guy and started the riot. Quickly they get away with his motocycle along Indy's on his back. This scene was funny. Indy were caught inside the car on the left window but manage escaped to the right window then back to motorcycle. Mutt was quite mischevious cycling inside university, destroyed everyone's festival till they bumped into the library, whic one of Indy's student asked him a question. At last, the KGB agents surrendered.

Both of them went to Indy's house looking for some research then abroaded to Peru looking for a clues of riddle left by Oxley written in dead language. Mutt and Indiana figure that the skull must be in Nazca. They visit an asylum where Oxley was held and they discover that he had drawn a location to Orellana's cradle, which didn't mean his birthplace, but his final resting place. a huge scorpion bites Mutt, but Indy tells him not to worry, with scorpions "the bigger, the better". Eventually they find seven mummified beings. They open one, and the corpse considerably disintegrates seconds after being exposed to the air (the mummified shrouds had preserved the corpse for several hundred years). Mutt and Indy soon discover that a second corpse has already been opened. Indy used Mutt's blade and suddenly the blade immediately pulled towards the skull. Both of them sure that neither gold nor crystal is magnetic. As they went outside the were surrounded KGB agents included Mac, Dovchenko and Irina. Thus, they were brought to the camp in the middle of the jungle.

At the camp, with Indy was tied, Irina suggests using the skull to control people's minds, to win the war using the greatest weapon of all: the mind. She states that the skull was not made by human hands, after that she slices open an alien corpse found in New Mexico, the corpse she stole saying it is revealed that the alien's bones are made of crystal, just like the skull. Jones is about to be exposed to the skull's power by having him look into its eyes when Irina states that "It does not talk to everyone." The mindless professor Harold Oxley who was an old fren of Indya and surrogate father for Mutt also at the camp, drinking and dancing. Irina urged Indiana to talk to him as he do know about that skull. Spalko blackmails Indiana into helping her by first threatening to kill Mutt, who defiantly combs his hair and tells the Professor not to "give these pigs a thing." and then by threatening Mutt's mother, who turns out to be Indy's passionate lover, Marion Ravenwood had also been kidnapped. Then Indiana asked Oxley about the location of the skull. Then again, Indiana told Irina and the Soviet soldiers about this location. While everyone's distracted, Mutt took an opportunity to escape by punch one Soviet soldier and overturn a table, signal the groups to escape. Spalko and the soldiers are about to chase but Mutt sets one of their tents on fire.

Without a realise, Indy and Marion fall into a dry sand pit, Mutt ran off to get something to pull them out with. While they are sinking Marion revealed that Mutt is Indy's son, Indy reacted by arguing with Marion about why letting Mutt quit school. Mutt returned with a huge snake and Marion easily climbed out, however, Indy had a harder time due to his phobia of snakes, so they called it a rope and Indy eventually made it out.

Soon they travel with the car and having a battle there. But before that, they were caught again and were put behind the track. That time, they were arguing about it. Mutt believed that his biological father was an army not some teacher. Marion confessed that she married other man named Collin Williams. Mutt took Williams name! Mutt real name is Henry Jones III which he hates it much as Indy. Marion disappointed of Indy for not coming on their wedding. Oxley too did angry at Indy. Indy and Mutt denied and unable to accept their relationship of being father and son. While talking, Indy made it out escape and untie their rope. Marion did asked him if he had other woman beside her. Indy confessed it but he told Marion that no others like her. You could see Marion was smiling and Mutt was kinda blur seeing them each other.

Indy, Mutt and Marion leave the truck they were being held captive on after it is nearly split in two by the Cutter's blades which were sent flying after the vehicle's explosion. A lengthy chase ensues after Indy, Marion and Mutt jump into a "duck" (an amphibious vehicle) to try and recuperate the Stolen Skull, leaving the knocked out Colonel in a driver-less vehicle. Spalko had her soldiers drive towards the car with Ox and Mac in it so she can retrieve the Crystal Skull. After Indy jumps from the duck to the other car, he punched and threw all the Soviets out except for one who clung to the back. Indy nailed Mac a few times and as, he drives the car, Mac reveals he is really CIA. Spalko begins ramming into Indy's car and the back-hanging Russian climbed back up and manages to throw the skull at Spalko before finally falling of. Mutt and Marion drive by and Mutt used one of Spalko's swords to retrieve the skull. Irina is finally forced to draw out her rapier as she having Mutt in a battle for the skull. She beat him out and even wounde him above his right eye. The skull ended up in Oxley's hands again after a brief scuffle and Irina unknowingly passes over to Marion's car. She is about to stab Ravenwood but she suddenly thrown onto the car's hood after Marion slammed the brakes. Spalko held onto a gun that was on the duck's hood and she frantically begins to shoot at the windscreen. Mutt meanwhile getting tangled in some vines and is lifted onto a canopy away from Indy's car. Irina climbs further onto the hood and takes aim straight at Marion, who thinks fast and manages to throw the Soviet Doctor onto another car. Dr. Spalko takes over the driving by pushing the driver into the back of the car. She then jumps onto Jones' car and after a brief fight with him, she kicks him on the head while he holds her down and she retrieves the skull. She jumps back into her car and begins to ram the car into Indy's so he'll fall off the cliff they were driving next to, prompting the remaining Russian on Dr. Jones' car to jump of the car's back. She is about to drive the famed archaeologist off, even taunting him with a perfectly delivered "Do svidaniya, Dr. Jones" when, suddenly, Mutt swings in on a vine and lands on Spalko's car, along with about a dozen or so monkeys that followed him. Mutt takes back the skull and jumps onto Indy's car, and they drive away from the cliff while Spalko is harassed by several monkeys. After stabilizing the situation and getting rid of all the monkeys by throwing them out of the car (even throwing one off the cliff in her rage), she keeps up her pursuit of the part-time professor.

Indiana, distracted by his recently arrived son who has finally nabbed the skull, crashes through some foliage and into a pile of dirt and some logs. Indiana, Mutt, Oxley and Mac by driving over them as she crashes into another dirt mound. As the dust clears Indy and his gangs notice that Spalko is pointing her gun at them, however she hesitates when a large red ant bites her hand. Smashing the ant Spalko thinks that’s it, but soon a swarm of them file into the cars from beneath, revealing the dirt pile to be a colony of vicious driver ants. Everyone starts running, and after a truck filled with Russian soldiers drives into the scene, Dovchenko, who survived, leaps out and attacks Indy. Mutt turns around to help his father, but Indy tells him to run, he’ll be fine. Marion appears, driving the badly beat up amphibious vehicle and tells Mutt and Mac to jump in. Both the driver and Irina flee, however the Soviet soldier just wasn't quick enough and he is devoured by the massive amount of ants after he succumbs to their biting. The soviet Doctor climbs onto a log but that just isn’t enough; the ants start climbing up the dried log. Noticing a vine above her, Spalko quickly jumps up and begins to climb up for her life. While Dovchenko and Indiana duke it out, the ants begin to swarm around Oxley, who is just lying on the ground. When he pulls out the skull, however, the carnivorous insects go around the skull, as if it were creating some kind of barrier. The ants begin to pile up in an attempt to reach Spalko, and one even succeeds in climbing up her leg, however it meets a grisly end when it is crushed between her thighs. Jones and the Colonel fight inside the skull protective range, and, just when Indy is knocked down to the floor and it looks like the Colonel is winning, the archaeologist picks up a small log and beats up the Soviet Colonel until he falls back, right into the swarm of army ants. They all pile up on him and, when he screams, they even crawl into his mouth. Dovchenko is carried into the anthill and he disappears, along with the ant swarm, which almost takes Indy's hat with them, but he repels them with the skull's power.

Indy picks up Ox and carries him to Marion and the car, meanwhile a small Soviet car comes to Spalko's aid, and she just drops down onto the passenger seat. The soldier loaded truck parks on the cliff's edge and all the soldiers and their leader begin to climb down some ropes that they just secured. Marion drives the car with all the good guys in it of the cliff, but it lands on a huge tree that was growing on the ravine's side. They are gently lowered in to the river below, and the tree recoils and hits the cliff wall, knocking down several Soviet soldiers. Realizing that when Oxley said, "three times it falls" he meant that there were three waterfalls that lead to Lake Sono; everyone panics as the first waterfall approaches. In the end though, they all survive after they plummet through the three progressively higher waterfalls.

The group enters a cavern shaped like a human head with a waterfall sprouting from its eyes (Oxley had said that the temple was found by going "through eyes I last saw in tears") and they journey through a tunnel with paintings of beings with "elongated craniums". Ox holds up the skull in front a life-sized painting and there is a perfect match. It is read in the pictograms that the Uggha tribe was taught irrigation and agriculture by these beings. After going through a big stone chamber the group encounters some angry natives who chase them out of the cave and into the open. Oxley pulls out the Crystal skull and the savage Ugghaback away.

Spalko finds what appears to be a tracking device at the shore of the lake, and she looks up at the cave where another tracking device was probably dropped. Mac is upset by the fact that he hasn't seen any gold yet after climbing up a Mayan pyramid with an obelisk over key. Jones figures out that, to open the "Palace of Eternity" the obelisk needs to move, so everyone begins to break some ornate stone heads that hung in a stone structure beneath the obelisk. Breaking a lot of the heads causes sand to pour out, and the obelisk to rise up. The group is sucked underground, but the stone steps on which they fell begin to draw back into the wall, so they are forced to run down the tube-like structure to avoid being impaled by the stone spikes waiting in the water below. No one makes it all the way down in time, so they all plummet about 7 meters into the water; Oxley drops the skull and he frantically begins to look for it. Indy and Marion share a tender moment and are about to kiss when Mutt unexpectedly drops a heavily armored skeleton into Indy's arms. The skull is found and Mac steals some gold from an armored figure that was impaled on one of the spikes. Indy leads the way into the temple through a door on the side, and Mac is seen dropping a flashing silver and red tracking device on the ground.
Outside, the Uggha are brutally gunned down, and Spalko kneels to pick up yet another tracking device. Indy is very impressed by what is found in the chamber that they have just entered, artifacts from all over the world. Everyone eagerly looks around, Mutt exclaiming that the place was the mother load, and Mac commenting on how any museum in the world would sell its soul for the trove stored in there. Ox walks towards a huge red door, and Indy notices that a skeleton was carved in the middle of the door, so he borrows the crystal skull and he places it in the head part of the carving, where the skull fits snugly. A giant red arrow comes down on the door and each half retracts into its corresponding side, revealing a tunnel. Everyone climbs in, and, as they examine the thirteen crystal skeletons, all of them sitting in ornate gold thrones, Ox moves towards the one with no head. Just as skeleton and head are about to be reunited, a gun clicks in the background and Mac is seen pointing his gun at Ox, forcing him to back away from the skull. Indy asks Mac if he s a triple agent and Mac just retorts by explaining that he just lied about being CIA. Just then Spalko and four Soviet soldiers walk in to the chamber, and the Russian doctor comments on how beautiful the skeletons are. She also notes "they are a hive mind, of separate bodies but of a single mentality."

Irina takes the missing skull and puts it back where it belongs, this causes the once headless skeleton to straighten, taking the upright pose of the other 12. It is then that Harold Oxley begins to talk in Mayan. Indy translates and explains that the skull is "very grateful for being returned, and that it would like to give them a gift." Irina asks the Crystal Skeleton to grant her knowledge as the gift that they had offered, repeating the same line over and over "I vant to know, I vant to know". Mac takes advantage of the fact that everyone is distracted and he slips out into the previous chamber, where he is about to escape, but is held back by his greed. True to their word, the Skeletons transfer all their knowledge into the doctor's mind, their eyes begin to emanate smoke, and the room begins to rotate. A portal opens up above the room, and Marion notes that it is "the eyes, Indy, it's the eyes". Mutt asks if the skulls are aliens, and Oxley, now sane again, states that they are "Inter-dimensional beings as a matter of fact". Indiana throws Ox and Marion out of the chamber, and then waits for the passage to rotate back into position so both him and Mutt can escape. They barely exit the chamber before the portal begins to lift up pieces of the room, along with the four surviving soldiers. After nothing is left in the chamber except for a tall column in the middle, where Spalko is standing receiving streams of knowledge, the still rotating skeletons begin to converge, starting form the left, into one. Indy, Mutt and Marion run to escape the now collapsing temple, however Mac is still trying to gather treasure.

Indy turns back and shouts at him, saying that they have to leave ", Damn It!" Unfortunately Mac trips, but Indy throws the whip for him to hold on to. As more and more of the temple is absorbed, Mac decides that he'll no longer slow down his friend’s escape, so he lets go of the whip, saying that he'll "be all right" After all the skeletons have merged into one being, Spalko is still taking in all the wisdom being given to her, however her psychic link made her far too fragile and her body was far too weak to sustain all the knowledge being sent to her, she asks for it to stop "No more, no more. Make it stop, Make it Stop!”; a raging fire starts in her brain and emerges through her eye sockets. The inferno rapidly spreads to her whole body, disintegrating her. Indy and the rest of the group run through the temple while giant stone wheels wreck what remains. Soon they find themselves at a dead end, and with the sound of raging water in the distance, their chances look slim. However, the water fills up the tunnel, and, by keeping themselves afloat, everyone makes it out all right. Just as Indy stands up, a giant dark gray saucer is seen taking off from the base of the temple, lifting many pieces of rock and tossing them around or turning them into dust. Finally in a flash of light, the saucer disappears, and the floating pieces of debris drop to the empty valley floor below. Parts of the upper rim keeping out the river water give way, and immediately fill up the void where the temple once stood "Like a broom to their footsteps" states Harold Oxley. Jones beckons Marion to sit on his lap, and both of them hug; Oxley is puzzled when he hears Mutt calling Indy "Dad" and Indy calling Mutt "Junior."

Back to the United States, in the church Indy and Marion get married and Mutt watches gladly as they embrace in a lovely kiss. Everyone in the church stands up and cheers, and, just when Mutt is about to snap the first photo, the church’s doors burst open and the wind lifts Indy's fedora off the coat rack and leaves it at Mutt's feet. Mutt bends over to pick it up, and just as he is about to try it on, Indy takes it, smiles, and puts it on himself. Everyone then leaves to attend the reception as the credits roll. Mutt is the last person to leave the church, carrying his leather jacket on his back.

Cool huh?? Better watch yourself for a clear view... Next Prince Caspian!

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